Tuesday 23 April 2013

5 Tips for Brighter & Healthier Teeth

As we age out teeth begin to lose their whiteness and beauty mostly due to our eating habits. Sodas, alcohol, cigarettes all cause discoloration of the teeth making us conscious about the way we look and smile.

Acid contained in some types of food and drinks erode and damage the enamel of the tooth and sometimes results in cavities. The damage from the cavities results in bad breath and other oral problems.

Listed below are 5 tips to prevent acid from food and drinks damage our teeth and maintain good oral hygiene. 
  •   Rinse your mouth with neutral water
Some water supplies are acidic in nature and contribute to staining. Use neutral water to rinse your mouth after consuming food. It serves two purposes; firstly, it rinses the acid from the mouth and the potential staining from your teeth.

  •   Use a fluoride mouthwash 
Fluoride strengthens the layer of the enamel and Maribyrnong dentist recommend using a fluoride mouthwash.

  •  Brush and floss regularly
Dentistadvice brushing and floss after every meal to maintain good oral health and have bright shinier teeth. Flossing is equally important as brushing as it helps remove any stuck particle between the teeth.

  •   Drink through a straw
Drinking aerated drinks, wine etc. through a straw allows you to bypass the outer layer of your teeth especially the front teeth. 
Moonee Ponds dentists have all the latest products and equipment to safely brighten your stained teeth. A professional hygiene visit becomes essential for removing stains, tartar, calculus and cavities.

Thursday 11 April 2013

How To Wisely Choose Your Dentist?

Choosing the right dentist for specialized treatment has become quiet tricky. The Internet is flooded with a wealth of information but it is not necessary relevant. To choose an experienced Maribyrnong Dentist you need to gather information and read with your eyes open.

Listed below are some key principles you should consider when choosing your Moonee Ponds Dentist.

Look For Quality

The first thing you should look for in your dentist is the quality of work. It is your mouth that you are getting treated so you definitely want the best quality treatment from your Moonee Ponds dentist.

Specific Treatment, Specific Dentist

If you are looking for some specific dental procedure such as cosmetic, orthodontia etc. then you should go for the specialist in that particular field. All dentists might be capable in these procedures but the one does it day in and day out must be for sure far more experienced.

Educator Plus Practice

Many dentists are educators too who teach in dental schools. They are aware about all the latest technologies and research in dental field. While on the other hand they might not be practicing dentistry.

Find a dentist who is a good operator plus is aware of all the latest developments so you get the best possible treatment.

Your call

Your faith in the dentist is the most important thing as it is you who are resting your health in their hands.  Many a time’s complex procedures do take time to heal or show up; it is your trust in the dentist that would guide you through rough patches if any.

Saturday 30 March 2013

An Insight Into Few Dental Problems and Their Treatments

Everyone faces some or the other dental problem in their lifetime. Sometimes they are caused by heredity but most of the times by the care we take or lack of it.

Dental problems are not fun but advanced dental care procedures have made going to the Moonee Ponds Dentist a pain free affair. Basic dental care such as brushing twice a day, flossing, eating healthy food and regular visits to the Maribyrnong Dentist for checkups is the key to avoid many dental problems.

Educate yourself about some common dental problems and their causes to protect you from them.

1. Toothaches

Toothaches are the most common dental problems that most of the time occurs due to some piece of debris lodged between two teeth. If this might be the case, rinse your mouth to clear it of the debris or other matter.

Moonee Ponds dentist 

2. Gum disease

Gingivitis as it is called in medical terms can be caused by exposure to plaque, the colorless film that coats our teeth after sleeping or eating. The symptoms include bad breath, tender or swollen gums and minor bleeding while brushing or flossing.

It should not be left untreated as it may cause more severe dental problems.

3. Bad Breath

Bad breath is caused by many factors but in most cases it is due to food remaining in the mouth that collects bacteria. Persistent bad breath may be a sign of gum disease.

Daily brushing, flossing, cleaning your tongue and professional cleanings might help in taking care of the unpleasant odor. Good oral hygiene would help you get rid of the bad breath but if it still persists than visit your Moonee Ponds dentist.

Wednesday 13 March 2013

A Long Lasting Beautiful Smile Starts with Good Oral Habits

Every baby is blessed with a beautiful smile and to keep it that ways forever, parents need to teach them good oral habits at an early age. 

The first time a child needs to be taken to the Moone Ponds Dentist is around the age of one or six months after the first teeth erupts. It is recommended by Maribyrnong Dentist, that children visit them every six months for good dental health. 

Maribyrnong Dentist
Childhood dental decay is largely preventable if you take your child regularly for dental visits. It also helps in instilling positive behaviors resulting in a lifetime of good oral health. 

Listed below are some oral tips that needs to be followed by parents for giving their child good dental habits.
  • Start brushing your child’s teeth as they erupt. Brush for two minutes with a soft bristled toothbrush and water.
  • Ask your dentist before using toothpaste for children under the age of two.
  • Try to introduce flossing to children early. Encourage them to floss and make it a permanent habit.
  • Do not allow excessive finger or pacifier sucking as it leads to tooth misalignment.
  • Do not let them fall asleep with a bottle of milk, juice or formula in their mouth. It would decrease the flow of saliva making their teeth more susceptible to cavities from the sugar in the liquid.
  • The best way to set a good example in front of them is to allow them to see you brush your teeth twice a day. It would teach them the importance of good oral hygiene.

Thursday 28 February 2013

Everyday Dental Care Tips For a Healthy Living

All of us know that to keep our mouth and teeth healthy we need to practice good oral habits. But do you know that oral health is linked to heart, digestive and even emotional health. Failure in taking good oral care can lead to many health problems and to avoid it we need to follow these simple tips. For good Dental Care and a beautiful smile visit your Moonee Vale Dentist on a regular basis. The dentist will identify any issues before it turns in to a health problem.
Brushing after every meal will remove any food stuck in your teeth thus preventing cavities and decay. If it is not possible to brush after every meal than chewing on a dental gum can be a good alternative. Choose the correct type of toothbrush. Make sure the bristles are not very hard as they could damage your gums. Buy toothpaste that contains fluoride as it helps in strengthening the teeth. Flossing is equally important after brushing as it removes any food particle that is stuck between the teeth.

Eating healthy plus avoiding food rich in carbs, salt and sugar also comes under good dental care. Eat a well balanced diet for maximum health benefit. Dairy products and nuts are rich in calcium that helps in strengthening the teeth. Egg, meat, soya products are rich in protein that is important for keeping the gums healthy.

Limit the intake of carbonated drinks as it is acidic in nature that causes yellowness and gradually destroy the teeth’s enamel. A small change in your oral care can lead to a healthy life with minimal dental issues plus a beautiful smile always.